Turkey’s Güriş Group has ordered 53 gearless wind turbines with a combined capacity of 165MW from Siemens, for installation at three new onshore wind farms in the Muğla, Edirne-Tekirdağ and Kirklareli regions of Turkey. Siemens said on 30 October that the projects are expected to be commissioned between late 2014 and summer 2015. The scope of work includes turbine delivery and a five-year service agreement.

Siemens said that 25 turbines with a combined capacity of 77MW will be installed at the Fatma wind farm in Muğla. A total of 28 turbines with a combined capacity of 88MW will be split between the Kanije wind farm in Edirne-Tekirdağ and the Zeliha project in Kirklareli. In September Güriş inaugurated the 115MW capacity Dinar wind farm, with 50 Siemens 2.3MW turbines. (CONTINUED - 284 WORDS)