1: Asia* Imports From The Americas (‘000 B/D): By Importing Country...
2: ...And Supplying Country
3: Venezuela Remains The Biggest Americas-To-Asia Supplier. A Rising Share Of The Country’s Dwindling Exports Are Going To China And India As It Struggles To Repay Oil-Backed Loans (‘000 B/D)
4: Brazil’s Exports Are Not Only Rising (See Below), But A Rising Share Is Headed To Asia, And To China In Particular (‘000 B/D)
5: The Usa Is The Biggest Gainer In Asian Markets With The Last Two Months Of Imports The Two Highest On Record (‘000 B/D)
6: Brazil Crude Output Rebounded Strongly In May With The Completion Of Deepwater Maintenance...
7: ...Exports For Jan-May Are Up 300,000 B/D On Year Ago Levels