Hong Kong-listed independent UEG said on 28 April that it has commissioned its new 100,000 b/d central processing facility (CPF) at Block 9 in Iraq’s Basra province. The project’s delivery is in line with the previously-communicated ‘first half 2024’ target (MEES, 5 April) and is expected to significantly optimize crude oil processing and stabilize the block’s output in the run up to the 130,000 b/d plateau target.

UEG says production is currently 75,000 b/d, which is a new record and up 18% on the 2023 average. Construction saw a swathe of Chinese firms involved including state firm CAMC Engineering as main contractor. The CPF will also process lighter but high-sulfur Yamama crude which is key to lighten the slate of Iraq’s Basrah grades. The next infrastructure addition at Block 9 is a 130mn cfd gas CPF which UEG targets for commissioning in Q4 this year, in line with oil ministry expectations. (CONTINUED - 148 WORDS)