East Mediterranean


Lebanon’s corrupt and inefficient government has long hindered development. The new government is talking a good game – particularly on powergen – but real reforms are needed to right the ship.

State of Play

Lebanon is dreaming of gas riches with a Total-led consortium set to drill in 2019. However the country faces more pressing concerns. Donors contributed $12bn at April’s Cedre conference in Paris, in hope to benefit Lebanon's creaky infrastructure and troubled economy. But the government does have to first overcome widespread corruption.

2019 In Numbers
Peak Load 2.1 GW
GDP 56.7 $bn
Growth 1 %GDP
Debt 85.4 $bn
Debt to GDP 149 %
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Off A Cliff: Lebanon’s Economy Is Set To Contract 25% This Year (GDP Growth, %)

Lebanon GDP Growth Was Forecast At -10.9% For 2020...And That Was Before The Explosion

Beirut Terminal Is Also A Major Oil Products Hub (% Total)*

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